Recent Video Analysis of Non-Vaxxed Blood It's not just the ``vaxxed`` who need to be concerned about their blood.
Today is June 21, 2023. We’re seeing this in the blood of a person who isn’t vaccinated and who is highly magnetized. Here we’re looking at the intermediate magnification. Let’s try to focus. There’s the structure. Let’s see it without light. And here it is without light. Now the main light of the microscope is turned off. And we’re observing this huge number of elements that I describe as a constellation of bright objects that have nothing to do there. And that you don’t see them if you don’t know how to look for them.
Here we see that it’s a structure that has 8 filaments and a tail. We’re looking at it a little closer and we’re going to see the luminescence. It’s so strong the light that it distorts. There it is. This doesn’t have to be electrical, nor do the patients have to be magnetized. We’re going back here. This is very difficult to do even if it doesn’t see like it. And we’re going to see it with the following lens. Let’s see it. There it is. We take the photo quickly.
Yes, it’s recording. And now we’re going to observe with dark field. There we see. Even colors have those crap they have injected into people. Let’ people know that these things…when I refer to people it’s with respect, right…but to people who don’t know medicine and who are possibly seeing images under a microscope for the first time and have to see a tremendous crap, this gentlemen, of part of what recombine graphene with heavy metals and produces bodies like these.
Let’s see it here. And the colored objects are observed, but here it’s quite magnified. So huh…,when medical amateurs are talking about how they cure the effects of the vaccine, gentlemen, you don’t have the slightest idea of what you’re talking about. Because the structures that you see here quite clearly, and have a bioluminescence…there it is, without light, producing it’s own light, we’re talking about a massive poisoning to which the entire population is being subjected. To the gentlemen who work in laboratories, you’ve been able to see further, because this doesn’t come out the first time.
There it is, we’re going to put it again centered. So I’m Dr. Wilfredo Stokes from Guatemala, this is blood from a patient, We’re looking at a very low magnification, we’re forcing it. Let’s focus a bit, there it is. What happens to people when they receive a drop of blood? Nobody is going to receive a drop of blood. They’re going to receive at least 250cc. In case it’s a child, he can receive 100, 200 or 50cc. But with 1cc that is full of this…and I’ll tell you something, the vaccinated, if these microscopic things, that are coming out are very small they pass through the fluids without any problem.
Here, this blood, since it’s several days old, the red blood cells have already broken down or shrunk, They’re there. But if we turn off the light, not all of them can be seen, red blood cells aren’t seen. What you see are the other structures that possibly can’t even be seen with the light on, or they look like dark spots.
Well, this is evidence gentlemen, that these objects have nothing to do here. Like these for example.There it is, let’s see now. Look! There it is. Lit like spotlights. This isn’t part of normal human biology. This is part of what they’re putting on people in a cruel and ruthless way. Greetings.