Dr. Charles Morgan, Consultant to US Military on Neurological Sciences Neural Implants Allow Control of Prosthetic Arms with Thought
Dr. Charles Morgan, former CIA and consultant for the U S Military on neurological sciences spoke to cadets at West Point in two thousand and eighteen about the current state of technology. He briefed the cadets on experiments from two thousand and thirteen where humans were given neural implants that allowed them to control prosthetic arms with their thoughts experiments where one person can control another person’s hands by just wearing an E G cap, The person on the receiving end describe the sensation is rather odd, said I didn’t know anything until I saw my hand beginning to move, but the really fun part was that you’re taking over somebody else’s physical body, but the mind of another human, so what do you think will be the next step experiments where information is transmitted from one mind to another and experiments where memories are erased? Dr. Morgan admits they have the technology to target an individual person. But you can engineer anything you can engineer a unique thing that would only kill one person in the world and are working on the ability to erase the memories of any human. They choose their biggest challenge five years ago was being able to interface with the hippocampus without the use of physical wires, and this is most likely one of the motivating factors for the deployment of the experimental coven shots using Darkfield microscopy, Dr. Anna Maria Meal, Sia has captured in great detail what the scientific literature describes as effective technologies that exist today. Technology such as quantum dots. Quantum dots are nano technology with the ability to organize, operate and communicate and build structures within the blood. They do so with a tunable photo luminescence that can be programmed to dictate various tasks via optical communication. Description and images displayed in the scientific literature compared to what Mihail C as darkfield microscopy is captured. Are the same. You can see the quantum dots blinking in different colors, acting as the artificial intelligence. Directing the self assembly around them. Bubbles are created within the blood that act as construction sites within these construction bubbles. The quantum dots organize the various materials into self assembly. These technologies are being found in both. Incinerated and in the blood of the unvaccinated, depending on what materials are needed, the quantum dots will trigger them into self assembly. The cove vaccines are full of rare and heavy metals to make all manner of nanotechnology, but it seems as if almost everyone is infected with some sort of nanotech. According to several research teams, everyone’s blood seems to contain the materials required to produce the filaments and the latticework for this technology. Blood samples that appear to be healthy have been completely transformed by applying a mere ten mila amps of electric current for two hours, and it looks as if we may have been infected by the Chem trails. More Jelena disease was first reported in two thousand and two. It’s when synthetic fibers or filaments are growing in a person’s body. It has been theorized for decades that this was being spread via chem trails and under a microscope. Nope, it appears to be the same filaments that people today are calling blood clots, and what the scientific journals call self assembled hydro gels, according to Dane Wigginton, from Geo Engineering, Watch Dot Org nanoparticles are being sprayed worldwide. The good news is that Dr. Mele see, as research has found a remedy. The iron in the infected blood has been oxidized to a three plus state, and by taking antioxidants, one is able to dissolve these filament clots. She has found that E d, T, a chelation therapy will remedy infected blood within three days, and mega dosing, Vitamin C also seems to work reporting for Info Wars. This is Greg Reese.