Mustang Medic: Busses Everywhere Jan 20, 2021 Military Operation 3AM Massive Activity - Never Before Seen!
It seems like they’re prepping for it to hurt ’em all in, but they’re not in the capital, though right, they’re not in the Capitol building. Aren’t they in their apartments or houses or condos or whatever they are? What could this be? I can’t figure it out. From what I understand that this is again on this is called chatter. Because I. I’ve only heard it online and I can’t back it up with multiple sources, but this whole operation was set up to let them commit treason, so they would certify an election that constitutionally cannot be certified, and all of the people that created treason. I do. They may know how many indictments are have been created as guys and those vans. The different states still isn’t it? Bizarre? Military operations usually are just a bunch of the same thing, right? I’ve got five hundred and thirty nine people looking through my little lands here and Er, Let’s take a vote. How many of you guys want me to see if I can move around and possibly be and lose the feed. Because nobody’s bothering me here or should I just stay put and just won’t watch all this activity in front of the Capitol military buses that get closer. Be careful. Thanks a lot. Yes, just stay and watch. Stay out military transports. Stay stay put, or I’ll I’ll stay put, Thank you guys. I got the feedback. Then there’s my suspicious white vans that been falling for two weeks, but they will not too with pigs rate. When they announced that President Trump used the insurrection act. These vans were driving through with two bands, three police cars, to vans, three police cars, to vans three police cars, and they’re all Capitol police and they’re always moving in groups. Checkmate. Get off my lawn. Thank you very much for the donation. I appreciate it. Shane Angler Thank you very much. Keep it up. Thank you. This is, and and there’s nobody else here. There’s no press. There’s nobody standing around me at all with cameras or anything. It’s just me. It’s good thing I’m in with the Fbi and they liked me and I God. Well, they likely that they know that I’m a non threat. I’m sporting news. It’s still freedom of speech. The freedom of the press. Even though I haven’t got press credentials are still here. I will have press credentials, so I got to hook up with the two different newspapers in North Carolina. They’re going to produce stories and I’m going to have my press credentials, guys, and I’ll be on the ground getting past those going past the areas. They’re you know getting into the areas that are allowed for press. I’ll be mixing it up. I’ve already met so many press people. I’ve been interviewed by. I want to say now twenty six countries, and I did eight interviews a day for fourteen days like I’m getting feedback like I’m everywhere. What all the? Twenty four minutes of a live feed out here, so we’re coming up, and I guess two o’clock in the morning. Josh is great, too with Abba times. I. I wanted I met him at this stop the steal rally, and at that time I was just doing mustangs. I didn’t embrace doing this journalism reporting thing until January Seventh when I saw a Fox News spinning the the attack on the capital and just plain it up and playing it up and I was walking around the monument. There was nobody there. It’s just me and three other people and they’re all saying like. The standard car, white band, white man, white man bus, and a big white bus. The dead biden go the buses the way I heard about the blackouts. Also in Florida, Trump failed Everyone here we go listen guys If you don’t keep hope until the fat lady sings. Yeah, That’s not politically correct to say that any more, but hold out. Wait for it to end. Do not give up. It’s always important to keep hope. Justice will prevail. You know, my my opinion, I serve a mighty God and I don’t think this country is going to be over, Because the man the bull in a China shop is shaking it up for all of us and from reports of what I heard, the United States became a corporation, and it’s going to take President Trump that back to like. I don’t know seventeenth date. I can’t remember the number eighteenth president or something, because we’ve been a corporation for a long period of time, and now we’re going back to a republic. I believe is what I’m hearing is the hard I knew that. This is going to be a historic time and I think that’s why I chose to stay. I mean it came here for two day trip, and this is my fifteenth day. Starting this morning. We do have a one press guy here. Check it out there. You go. There’s one guy with a camera, so you see you see something going on. It’s amazing that I’m the only one out here. I just can’t even believe this again. The buildings are. Lets the regatta. Worker now. Stevenage sixty eight people through life. He very cool, very cool, spread the word guys would say, Let’s get as many people as we can see. The activity is here. I’ll act like Cnn, Breaking news, Mustang medic, style. The schools report at the Capitol at one thirty in the morning, and Washington, Dc reporting. We only want the truth. I’ll do my tagline to what was the timeline. Whoops car was rented a bus. Looks like they’re starting to dissipate. The cat’s out. The buses emptied the extended out windows like I’m assuming it’s empty, but maybe they’re loading him in that bus. I dunno go to bed. I did awesome. Thank you. I appreciate the positive words. We have to be up. Lifters of each other. We have to win. The is too much negativity in the world More your movement. Hopefully not come from me now. Everybody’s been great. All the all the Capitol police, The Fbi, The secret service. I’ve talked to many people, even even the reporters, except for that Cnn reporter. He was kind of hostile, but I’m in front of the camera. Lord. What are they going to do to my interview? What are they going to do it? They don’t use Mustang medic. Gonna be pretty upset. More true Moon. The I dunno. I’m going to. I’m going to walk down here and see if I can see if they’re getting on that bus now now you’re walking past the bus. They’re going into the capital. They’re not going to the bus. They’re they are going in towards the capital. Look at this. This is amazing. Is this not amazing. I am so glad that I got the heck out of bed. Maggie Douglas White again, Thanks for donation. Oh you’ve got a question. Did you see the protesters in front of the comment Plat pie pizza Comet Pizza. Earlier tonight, The police were there and allowing it, They had repents signs and more on Twitter. Now I didn’t see that I have been like putting myself in different locations and there’s a lot of homeless out of your guys. Too. We’ve got to find a way to take care of them. It’s just it’s so damn cold out here. I can’t imagine being homeless in Dc right now. I give me a thumbs up with the camera still working. Please, Oh, wait a minute the camera working. Is the camera working? Yes, because I go. What the heck is going on here? Who are these people? Who are these people? Is that is that press? The press swipe the swipe the knowledge are no, They’re not all in uniform. It is very interesting. Is it not look at this group of people like origination kit Kit water music, Is this not wild. I cannot believe nobody else is out here reporting it. It’s just little old me. The the eleven one hundred of us that are watching this right now are just a small part of a of a three hundred and thirty million people. The aliens deep. Is this not weird. What are these people doing? I am so fascinated by what’s going on the troop movement. What I’m doing is legal, right guys. Thank you brand. This is a legal thing I’m doing. Right. This is illegal. Am I get myself in trouble. False flag actors. Interesting? Could you imagine if we’re catching that right now? Can you guys record this so I don’t lose any of this stuff Mustang medic Mustang medic Mustang medic, We got to erupt the thirteen hundred people again. Thanks for the seventy two dollars guys by, I’ll buy myself a pair of gloves. Calm before the storm at, Yep, Stacy Woods, I. I saw that. Yeah, what the heck is going on? Guys, if I had, if I had a twelve, I’d be giving you a better picture. The waiting to go in there they go. Check an Id want the. How could this be? Walk with them. They’re going behind the security gate. I can’t walk with them. Crisis actors. What are who are these people? Guys am I doing something really dangerous Right now. I’m starting to feel like I am. Walk with them. Stop and I’m not going to walk with them. I would have handed my idea Just walk ins. Are you’re saying Because he’s ready to sacrifice me. Thanks a lot. Isn’t it weird? They seem to be all white guys? Right? Am I right, Go ask you know what you guys? Crack me up? Go at. Stop it. Alright, I moved to get maybe get myself in trouble here. You guys stop seeing them. Go ask them Zoom in. You guys are bossy over there. How’s that That’s army? Is this legal what I’m doing? Exactly? I dunno if this is. Thank you, Martin for your donation. Man, we’ve got the loan guy dressed in black with a backpack walking. I know what you’re gonna say. I knew you were gonna say Zoom in Bonnie. Tell me this is not suspicious. Fifteen one hundred people watching this lens. I dunno they’re cutting around to the front of the capitol, they they, they didn’t. They were hang on trying to madam freezing, and the she doing, they went around that street, and then they went left towards the Capitol Building. Guys are getting a little freaked out. Man. I’m telling you this is. I feel like I’m I’m I’m the only one here. Somebody tell me this is legal when I’m going. I’m doing so. You’re right. They in check that guy’s idea that was interesting. Don’t leave. Yeah, thanks, a lot, Dmt The Lord gives another bus. I can’t sell if there’s anybody in the bus blacked out windows, limo, limo tint. Look at this. Guys. Look at this. What is this? They’ve gotten lanyards. I’m getting a little freaked out here. I feel like I actually might be in danger at this moment. Asked them. Will you guys stop telling me to ask them. I’m not. I haven’t got the media credentials. They can’t just run up. I find what I find the most odd about this video right now that I’m shooting for seventeen hundred people. If you guys want to donate the Muslim medic, So what my kids and I have a place to live and I might need lawyers fees. I’d appreciate some donations from you guys. Thank you, Banker. Michele. Thank you for the motivation. I know you guys at all hook up. Josh. You know, Mom. I’m not jealous, but I don’t think Josh even gets from the epoch times. For every donation from five dollars to one hundred do whatever you want to donate it, for. I’m very grateful and it’s going to help me get to continue to do this work, And you know I’m I’m doing it. I mean I’m showing what’s really happening and what the news is not covering. There is no news here and C’s not here. Cnn walked away and we got a whole bunch of people going into the capital at three in the morning. Pretty glad everybody’s ignoring me here. No, the white vans have an empty white vans have been empty. The birthday. It comes at cards, a written from a camera. Get renting here we go. The. What’s that about guys? What is that about? What is that about? What do you think that’s about? American flags on a on a cadillac. They got out with their coffee is completely ignoring me. I don’t know walking. Is this pretty hot guys. Forty thousand people watching. Right now. Guys straight up. I’ve been a non essential worker for like a year and I am trying to support my girls and become a journalist in like two weeks, and I think I’m getting really historic stuff, so if you guys would donate a little bit of money to me to support being, Continue to do like kind of feel like I’m risking my life right now. I’d be very grateful. If like if all you gave me ten bucks, that’d be amazing at four thousand viewers. Forty one hundred. This is the cap. Thank you, Thank you, Duke, Duke, thank you again for two donations of one hundred dollars to bury. Generous and I really appreciate that that my fifteen year old daughter and my fourteen year old daughter Sarah, Rachel appreciate that. Too. This car is freaking me out. Does anybody have an opinion on this car? Thank you, Jasmine. Jasmine Cox, Does anybody have an opinion on this thank you, Stash? What is this car about What is this kind of thing? What could be going on this is amazing. I really think I am. I am the only person out here filming. There’s no press anywhere. We got some kind of Cadillac limo here with American flags on the hood coming out. Who’s got a oops. Got an idea of what’s going on here. Does anybody have an idea was a normal Mafia car flags crackdown. I don’t know who they are. They got a driver out of the back. He’s looking at me and nobody is telling me to go away right now. Is this legal guys that somebody tell me that place I feel been out of work in a while. Yeah, deep fried Ohio gravy, Thank you very much lovely lady for their donation, Thank you, Rocco J. Large ball. I like your your key image, very nice, Donald Trump and our heath again, forty nine dollars or fifty dollars donation. I really am very grateful, guys, and of course back to Duke, You know For your two donations were very. I’m very very grateful. I’m staying up for the duration or you that well Do you keep doing donations like that, freezing my butt off and stay up all night for you. I. We just gotta motivate the other forty five hundred people watching to do the same and I will be set for a year just digging in with my My press passes so and he had any generosity you guys can have in my situation. I’d be thank you, Paula. I would be very grateful I’ve been practicing asking for money. How am I doing? Am I doing good guys think I’m doing pretty well. Bus. The what is going on here? I am fascinated by that car. I don’t know why. It’s on like Donkey Kong. Guys. It’s going down. It’s going down for real. This is the United States Capitol. At what times have right now? Eastern time. Guys. I can’t. I don’t have a watch on. I lost my apple watch. Was three hundred fifty dollars just went away. I’m freezing my butt off. I want to find a place to put the camera down so I can put my gloves. I think it was another bus escorted by a police car. Don’t say my kids names. You guys? What’d you guys don’t know about me? The forty five hundred people Because you guys are tune in on a livestream A Mustang medic. It’s not really hard to find out where I am, Because just google me. I’ve been doing this for nine years videoing my entire life, so it’s gotta walk with God and I just prayed the three forty five in the morning. A good thing I bought this three dollar battery pack or I’d be dark right now walking home forty six hundred people on a live feed. We’re at thirty seven minutes thousand dollars, with donations. Thank you, guys, thousand dollars and five thank you. I like to use versus the average S J J Jason Printing. Thank you very much for your donation. Katie Horton, thank you Jasmine costs, thank you, Jackson, Styles, thank you very much for your generous donation. Appreciate you guys, alright, Just more and more people going in that that weird looking car with the flags is gone, more people entering through this back entrance behind the capital. They know who I am and I’ve talked to the F B. I. They have been in my parents’ house because of the videos I’m shooting and I’m still here guys for freedom, And what’s weird is I had a feeling and I’m not a superstitious person. You know being a Christian. Not really. You don’t see too many superstitious Christians, but I felt like I was never going to come back as I was coming out here on the sex, not saying I’m gonna be brought back in a box or anything in your life can change but. J Collins, thank you for your donation. Thank you for your two donation. Say I really appreciate the support. My girls. Thank you. Yeah, If you Google bus thing medicaid, You know about my family and have all of that stuff. I am definitely going to have to move, though I think I am moving and my parents are probably gonna have to sell their house at this rate. What about what about? When the money? Please? What does that do do with your money? What you? Please thank you, Thank you for that more buses. Thank you, Nick. Five thousand forty two people. I’d everybody give me ten bucks. All five thousand of you donate ten bucks place, and I’m set for the year, please. If I don’t make it back on in a box, at least my girls will have some money. I’ll be great. I got divorced. Do I got divorced Because my wife was cheating on me with an F B I agent for four and a half years during my seventeen year marriage and lone. Behold, I told that story to an F B. I agent. He was looking at you cross -eyed and I thought of by. I said It’s story so many times I said, do I go? Why did you do it? Why did you cheat on me with an F B. I agent for four and a half years during my marriage, Know she said the worst possible answer. A wife that cheating on a man could say it’s nothing sexual. She said he was good at hiding things. Is that terrible. I thought that was terrible. This is absolutely incredible to me. Talk about a mass mobilization going on. Right now. I got a good good. Very good feeling. The President Trump is knocking it out of the park. I think right now, Well, we are witnessing on video via Mustang medic, Okay, Spread the word almost thing medic, please, I think we are witnessing America changing. I think what we are witnessing Here is finally. Justice is going to prevail. President Trump has done it. Thank you, Christine Helm for your donation. I appreciate that I think that I think that we are witnessing the rebirth of America and it’s all going down.