The BEST is YET to COME! An Unforgettable Moment at the End of President Trump's 1st Term in Office.
Considering this is a very short video, it’s mostly self evident that Don Jr and Kimberly Guilfoyle have a message to deliver…”the Best is Yet to Come”. Pretty simple right?
But what could be the meaning behind such a cryptic statement. Do they know something that the rest of us don’t know?
Chances are they do. Let’s dive into some wild speculation (as we do here on DBEYH, it’s all opinion and wild speculation folks…you get to weigh the content and decide for yourselves). But let’s consider the fact that this statement was made during the last day or days of President Trump’s first term.
Having a look at the strange set of images on the wall behind Donald Trump Jr we see a series of images which appears to share a common element, the Storm.
In the first image the storm is just getting started but by the last image (Supreme Court Building) the storm has so engulfed the image that the white building really stands out in stark contrast to the dark storm clouds in the background.
We believe that there is a message embedded within this message.

(1) It’s hard to tell what is going on in this first image. If we stop at around the 11 seconds mark and look at the building just behind Kimberly Guilfoyle.
What do you think we are looking at here? To us, it looks like a storm blowing trees about and there is a building in the background. We can’t be sure which building this is but we can speculate. Whatever building we’re looking at, it’s definitely the image with the least amount of storm present, however it does look to us that a storm has begun.
There are lots of palm trees. Could this be a reference to Lahaina, HI? Mar A Largo? Or even Miami? Whatever it is, it looks like the start of the storm begins with a reference to a tropical location.
(2) Going back to the 6 seconds mark, here we can clearly see the U.S. Capital building and it looks to us that the storm has grown. For those of you who are following JSNIP4’s analysis of Dick Allgire’s remote viewing session of Congress and them possibly adjourning for the last time. See the attached reproduction below.

The Capital Building might represent the whistle blower hearings and other house committees who are looking into the Joe Biden’s family business, financial corruption and pay to play activities.
If you want to learn more about this sketch, you can watch an interview with Dick Allgire here where Dick discusses this very drawing and remote viewing session.
(3) The third and final image is the Supreme Court building and the storm is about as bad as it can get. It’s really dark out.
Will this stormy drama eventually lead to the Supreme Court? Will the Supreme Court play into the drama? Will they put an end to the storm? Or will they be the darkest part of this drama and a knife in the heartland of America. Will the Supreme Court let us down?
Turning to the Q Boards and Post
Q has said, “the military is the only way.”
It’s difficult to know exactly where the storm will take us and how it will inevitably end, but wherever it leads there is one thing that is for certain. We definitely know where Don Jr and Kimberly Guilfoyle stand…”The Best is Yet to COME!”